Chapter 9

  While writing this summary I was given the task of covering as much information as possible in a shorter amount of text, I hope. In this chapter, it will help teach us the workarounds and knowledge about email. Email messages are typically sent and received through network protocols such as "SMTP, which stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,". This is one of the steps needed for an email to get sent to the internet. That’s what helps the email get sent to the other person on the other end. while POP (Post Office Protocol) handles incoming messages and IMAP, short for Internet Message Access Protocol, is used to fetch mail messages from remote servers or large local networks.

 Buying and Selling Goods:

Online retail is the predominant form of e-commerce, where businesses sell physical products on the internet. Companies may operate exclusively online, known as dot-com businesses, or combine online and physical stores, referred to as bricks and clicks.

 Creating User Accounts:

Many online shopping sites let people create accounts, offering a convenient and custom shopping experience. These accounts typically include secure login credentials and allow users to input personal information and preferences. Amazon has this where if you make an account they will sometimes give you 1 week or 30 days of free prime if you join on a holiday.

 Digital Wallets:

Digital wallets, also known as e-wallets, enable online purchases and are frequently stored on mobile devices. Examples include PayPal, Google. I recently purchased an elite controller from an old friend and he somehow managed to get it same day shipping which made me wonder. The value-to-weight of an item plays a shopping role in determining the feasibility of selling products online, taking into account shipping costs and profitability.

 Security and Privacy Concerns:

 E-commerce shoppers express concerns about the security of their payments and the privacy of personal information. SSL protocols and certifications from assurance providers are used to ensure transaction security. E-commerce websites must address privacy issues related to the collection and storage of customer data.

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