Chapter 8 (Appendix Summary)

  • Internet Startup: The early military internet project or "ARPANET" is a military project from the late '60s, it played a large role for today's internet.

  • WWW Game-Changer: In '89, Tim Berners-Lee introduced the World Wide Web, which changed how we do stuff on the internet - like web pages and links. It was a game-changer for internet browsing!

  • Web Addresses: Browsers are like the tools that let you see web pages, and URLs it's basically the internet's addresses!

  • Search Engines: We have all heard of Google, Yahoo, and Bing, right? Well, these are the search engines that make finding stuff on the internet super easy.

  • Web/social media: social media and Wikipedia added some cool things to the internet, making it interesting for some people.

  •  Shopping: Amazon and eBay changed the game, making online shopping a big deal.

  •  Safety: Protect yourself, use strong passwords, and avoid scams. Don't click on links for example "shawncantysmithsFREEcar.scam"

  • Privacy: Keep your online life private and respect others' privacy.


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