Chapter 6

 Starting online security should be everyone's priority when getting on the web. Having protection online will give you safety from unauthorized access to your system and cause damage over time. Taking a physical approach means you technically have the choice to have your protection against certain threats you'll come across. 

Encryption is like a secret language for data making it hard for bad people trying to hack you. It makes it so you have to technically use a key like the authentication phone to log in to your accounts. Having good encryption decreases your chances of getting hacked or having a data breach in your system/software. 

I learned about DoS/DDoS way back then while gaming on Call of Duty and this word changed my life. The day I knew I could get online and join someone's part and get "booted" offline for no reason was when I knew people had way too much power behind a screen & the people who were well-versed in tech had the advantage over people who were clueless like me. 

Denial-of-Service or (DoS) is an attack that makes whoever the target system gets overwhelmed or flooded with messages. The one saying I used to hear a lot when gaming was "packets or bots" This was crazy since I didn't know what they meant. It can be nonresponsive and even crash on you. 

Bad software like spyware, trojans, and viruses are not good for anyone's PC and have a terrible risk. I'd recommend having a good antivirus The Windows Defender that most PCs get isn't the best I've had malware on my PC since it's a free tool and doesn't offer the best protection. My friend has Sophos and I was on his antivirus plan for 2 years I liked it a lot; the only downfall was some of my games would pop up as "not safe for this PC" and it would just delete it instead of giving me the option to keep it or not; this was because of a setting he had put in ages ago to give it maximum security. 

Bugs are small things that can get in a PC and feast on nonsense until they get detected, they're like actual bugs you can find outside annoying pests that should get found somewhat fast and have something done to them. Some other things PC users should look into is making sure they have a firewall setup in order to make sure the network and device they're on will be protected from the bad software trying to attack it. Additionally, some sites that are "legit" will have certificates attached to them to prove their identity online. A trust seals from reputable providers on websites.

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