Chapter 4

 The internet has a lot of different types of content that appeal to both our sight and hearing. It includes words, pictures, sounds, and videos, changing how we use and enjoy the internet. When we go online, we look for certain types of images, These include JPEG for pictures, GIF for drawings, and PNG for complex images. Whoever wants a certain image can easily find it by using search engines you can also find them on stock photo websites, where you'll come across some decent-quality pictures photo-sharing platforms offer plenty of images for your personal enjoyment and entertainment. 

When it comes to audio, the internet is the place since it has a wide range of sounds, like instrumentals, vocals, speeches, audiobooks, and even sound effects. I remember having an MP3 back in my younger years it made life so much easier having music at all times. Since the launch of the MP3s, it has made music widely accessible just like how we have phones now. 

I remember back then my mom used to burn CDs haha. She used to burn them and make whatever playlist I wanted then burn it into my mp3. finding audio files is a lot easier now since the web makes it easier. whether you're on YouTube or going to the rapper/artist websites, stores, or digital music subscriptions. 

Video content, often described as images with sound, has become a nice part of online entertainment. I like to watch a lot of streams/streamers when I'm not doing any work so I can see how it counts as entertainment. I can also see why people would not see it as entertainment since you're watching someone usually play a game that they/we can be playing. 

Streaming is when the servers send tiny video bits to your media player, allowing you to start watching before the entire file is downloaded. This makes it much faster and simpler to enjoy big audio and video files online. looking more into the web's many types of media and its value as a source for school, and government information, let's see how the internet has changed and get the knowledge and the different things it provides. 

let's look at something I can talk about such as the library. I remember going to the library and playing the computer games such as (AQW)Adventure Quest Worlds and even Poptropica as well as reading a book that my teachers wanted me to look into and check out for class. But, now Libraries, are limited and aren't used as much anymore since the world has become mainly digital. 

The US Government's official sites can have a lot of information for the average person just looking to see what's new in the powerhouse of corruption that is the government. It has a large option of intelligence to pick from such as laws, taxes, military, and even bad people., the government's official website, It's a single place for government services and information, making it simpler for people to reach their government. From schools to government info, and internet libraries to multimedia treasures, The internet has a lot of information and it keeps getting bigger. 

In this day and age. The info we can can find can be used to learn, and be creative for finding out better and more effective methods. It's mind-blowing how it is changing how we access information, putting knowledge from around the world right at our fingertips.

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