Chapter 7

  Wireless networks have changed a lot over time. It began with 1G in 1978, which could only handle phone calls. Later, 2G, 3G, and 4G came along, making data transfer faster and allowing us to use smartphones. 3G had some issues with speed and cost, but it gave us constant internet and web browsing. 4G was even faster, letting smartphones do more things. We were looking forward to 5G in 2020, which promised even better wireless connections. 

Many devices have built-in Wi-Fi for cable-free connectivity using radio waves instead of cables. To efficiently broaden Wi-Fi coverage across large areas, Wireless Mesh Networks employ access points. I like that wifi doesn't have to be wired as a gamer I'm wired via Ethernet so I pull a lot of the wifis juices to make sure I'm not getting much lag but everyone else in the house is getting some lag from me using much more bandwidth.

 Personal Area Networking (PAN) is about connecting your own devices. You can do this using infrared or Bluetooth technology. Bluetooth lets your gadgets connect wirelessly over short distances, making it easy to share and sync data. 

Wireless Wide Area Networking (WWAN) helps you get internet in big areas. You need special things like Aircards and accounts with cellphone companies for it to work. LTE (Long Term Evolution) is a type of WWAN that offers super-fast internet over a big area.

 Wireless networks can have safety worries like service problems, data being grabbed, stuff being stolen, hacking, bad files, and people getting hurt. Wireless networks can be snooped on because data travels through the air. You can make wireless networks safe by doing a few things: Encryption makes data secret so bad people can't read it. Don't let your network name show to strangers by hiding it. a good example I use is a randomly generated name so people are skeptical to click on it such as "BillGates BigToe" Change the basic login stuff so no one can get in without permission. 

When using public internet, it's best to be cautious: Don't do important stuff like banking in public. we learned this in class I asked my mom has she ever used public wifi to do banking or even log in to emails and she has which has me worried about what people might have access to. Use safe networks, not the risky ones. 

Bluetooth devices can be risky because they can get messages from strangers or have their data stolen. Turning off Bluetooth can make them safer. People should stay informed and follow best practices to maintain wireless network security.

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